![]() In July I had my first Powerlifting meet: and had a 90Kg Deadlift, which was by far a personal best. 198#, plus a bit. And since then, I've been sticking with the programming, and have not been up to even 185# (my previous gym PR) until just a few weeks ago. It felt good to hit that 185#, but it was not exactly *new*. Today I pulled 200#. And I am thrilled about it. Its only marginally more than my previous best, and that took 5 months to gain. And I am not known for my patience. There is just something magic about this sport. I have my whole life to create progress. Bees make only 45 grams (based on my calculations and some wiki-work) in their life. A lifes work, and it's over in a slice of bread. But they make alot of other things too, while they make that honey. Honey is just the most apparent evidence: The in-your-face proof. 1.6# is my 45bee-grams. And I'll take every sweet drop.
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Seems I have had a number of updates in the last 2 weeks. Nothing specific is going on; just really enjoying myself, happy, fulfilled. Some moments of 'blech' occasionally interrupt, but I feel as though this is one of the ways I count my blessings. I talk about them here, and acknowledge it that way. It also reinforces my contentment.
It was a good day at the gym today. We gradually are working back to meet-level weights with the new form (high-bar squat and conventional deadlift). I miss low-bar and sumo. But I am gradually improving with these movements, and I know it will make these lifts stronger no matter what style I choose. And the high-bar does seem like less stress on the lower back (which is weird, because I don't think it's supposed to be. But it could just be because it's so much lighter, still). 140# squat and 155# DL today. 15# and 45# to add, respectively, to hit my July OPA-meet PR. There was still gas in the tank, so I might be closer than I think! It would be good to be there by the end of the year. Then in January I can start to prep for a spring meet. I won't do a meet until I can add 40# to my meet total. Road to a 500# total....... Long and winding. But sunny and clear! Jerimiah told me to work up to at least 140# for one every day for a week. Today is day 1.140 felt good so I went for 145...and then 150#. The pic is just the 140# .....Video evidence of the buck-and-a-half is on Instagram @rzales.
I am visiting Montreal this week... and went into our local office after a client visit, and Immediately ran into someone I trained on Project Management - in a 3 day session in Oct 2014.
She was like “Woah! Look at you, blah, blah….”. And reminded me that when I trained them, I had talked about adult learning, and how I had just joined a gym and was having to hold someones hand in order to squat, or I’d fall over. I guess I used it as an analogy to some other topic in the sessions. Anyway, I was 35# heavier then. And probably walking with a bit more swagger now. :) ......And she said … “I guess you figured it out . " Yeah, I guess I did! I don't know how that warrants a full post, but it does. I have been like "I feel great. I love gym on Friday. Wow, I feel pumped. blah blah blah ." So.... either I am having a bit of a moment.... or there's something to this Friday thing. It's happened before, so I am going with the latter.
![]() In the last 2 weeks, I've been called 'skinny' twice. Not that I am skinny.... technically, I am still overweight. But it was an acknowledgement of my progress, and meant to be flattering. And truly; it was; I felt the smile immediately rise. Still; each time it left me thinking after : why THAT word? It's kind of weird that somehow that's a compliment. And I am not shitting on anyone intent; after all, I was flattered.... but there is something a bit off, I think, that the word has some sort of value associated with it. I can't quite place my feelings, but.... I have decided I don't like that word. Benched 100# today for first time. 3X3, and then one, paused at the bottom. I feel like a million bucks.
Rebecca Garland Archives
April 2021